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Is it possible to run ROS Kinetic with OpenCV 2.4.X?

Hi everyone, I have ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. As stated in the documentation, it is supported by OpenCV 3.1, while all the previous ROS versions are supported by OpenCV 2.4.

I would like to run my ROS nodes by linking my 2.4.13 OpenCV libraries, so I linked them in the CMakeLists.txt of my packages, in place of the 3.1 libraries present in ROS. However, when I launch a pair of image publisher and subscriber, the subscriber crashes for segmentation fault in the callback, during the conversion of the image (when a copyTo() is internally called) or with imshow().

I wonder if this a compatibility issue (i.e., Kinetic and Opencv 2.4 cannot work together at all), or it can be related to some coding mistakes. A friend of mine tried to run a node with ROS Indigo and OpenCV 3.1, and it fell in the same problem. That's why I'm afraid it is due to compatibility reasons.

Any help or comment is appreciated. Thanks a lot.