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Using the opencv_contrib dnn module (too slow)

I am using a caffemodel (trained for gender classification) with the dnn module of the opencv_contrib library. The issue I am having is that it is running pretty well but it is extremly slow, it takes up to 10 seconds (sometimes) for a face to be processed. I believe the issue is that there is a bottleneck present in the cv::gemm() function - highlighted in this issue According to the issue all you need to do is install OpenBLAS or MKL and the performance will increase, I have never used any of those libraries before, hence I am quite unsure how to approach this. Any guidance in regards to increasing the performance or how to setup a solution with OpenBLAS + opencv_contrib will be greatly appreciated.

This is my setup:

  • C++ VS 2015
  • OpenCV 3.1.0
  • Windows 10