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My Haarcascade classifier uses a vector file of -w=20, -h=20 for training. There are some false negative results when testing. Does increasing -w and -h improve performance of my Haarcascade classifier?

My Haarcascade classifier uses a vector file of -w=20, -h=20 for training. There are some false negative results when testing. Does increasing -w and -h improve performance of my Haarcascade classifier?

My Haarcascade classifier uses a vector file of -w=20, -h=20 for training. There are some false negative results when testing. Does increasing -w and -h improve performance of my Haarcascade classifier?

My Haarcascade classifier uses a vector file of -w=20, -h=20 for training. There are some false negative results when testing. Does increasing -w and -h improve performance of my Haarcascade classifier?

My Haarcascade classifier uses a vector file of -w=20, -h=20 for training. There are some false negative results when testing. Does increasing -w and -h improve performance of my Haarcascade classifier?

My Haarcascade classifier uses a vector file of -w=20, -h=20 for training. There are some false negative results when testing. Does increasing -w and -h improve performance of my Haarcascade classifier?classifier? opencv_traincascade -data data -vec positives.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 3519 -numNeg 1800 -numStages 10 -w 20 -h 20 -minHitRate 0.999 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.4. This is my command for training. I'm trying to train a hand detector. Please help me!