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Unable to build OpenCV (with CUDA) error

I am unable to build openCV v3.1 with Cuda. I followed the instruction as given in the link

In CMAKE I just select all flags with CUDA besides CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION and WITH CUDA and leave the rest as it is Cmake generates the file and with Visual 2013 x64 I try building it in Debug first but then the build never completes.

10>C:\Users\rahul\Desktop\opencv\opencv\modules\core\include\opencv2/core/base.hpp(365): warning : function declared with "noreturn" does return

After some time his is the warning I continuously get...and continues indefinitely...getting the same warning

Any solutions to this problem??

ps - I tried using the for loop in base.hpp line 365 still no use

Unable to build OpenCV (with CUDA) error

I am unable to build openCV v3.1 with Cuda. I followed the instruction as given in the link

In CMAKE I just select all flags with CUDA besides CUDA_BUILD_EMULATION and WITH CUDA and leave the rest as it is Cmake generates the file and with Visual 2013 x64 I try building it in Debug first but then the build never completes.

10>C:\Users\rahul\Desktop\opencv\opencv\modules\core\include\opencv2/core/base.hpp(365): warning : function declared with "noreturn" does return

After some time his is the warning I continuously get...and continues indefinitely...getting the same warning

Any solutions to this problem??

ps - I tried using the for loop in base.hpp line 365 still no use

Compiler Ms Visual studio 2013 x64, Os is windows 10 and with_cuda is ON