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OpenCV video preview and start record


I am developing iOS video project using opencv for facial recognization.

I have one problem with opencv. cvVideoCamera does not have the start record and stop record function.

Of course cvVideoCamera has start and stop methods, so I can save the recorded video but I need preview the video...

Have you any good idea to preview the opencv camera?

How can I make start record and stop record function?

Kind Regards.


click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2016-09-21 05:23:34 -0600

berak gravatar image

OpenCV video preview and start record


I am developing iOS video project using opencv for facial recognization.

I have one problem with opencv. cvVideoCamera does not have the start record and stop record function.

Of course cvVideoCamera has start and stop methods, so I can save the recorded video but I need preview the video...

Have you any good idea to preview the opencv camera?

How can I make start record and stop record function?

Kind Regards.
