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Assertion failure durring defishing in initUndistortRectifyMap

I'm trying to do fish an image by providing "camera_matrix" and "distortion_coefficients" to cv::fisheye::undistortImage. problem is I'm getting Assertion error. Reason is the distortion coefficients which i'm getting through camera calibration are 5x1

<distortion_coefficients type_id="opencv-matrix"> <rows>5</rows> <cols>1</cols> <dt>d</dt> <data> -2.0834245161331000e-01 5.8179563841609050e-02 0. 0. -8.0440183287724919e-03</data></distortion_coefficients>

but undistortImage method accepts 4X1 distortion matrix. Any idea whats the way around to this problem

Assertion failure durring defishing in initUndistortRectifyMap

I'm trying to do fish an image by providing "camera_matrix" and "distortion_coefficients" to cv::fisheye::undistortImage. problem is I'm getting Assertion error. Reason is the distortion coefficients which i'm getting through camera calibration are 5x1

<distortion_coefficients type_id="opencv-matrix"> <rows>5</rows> <cols>1</cols> <dt>d</dt> <data> -2.0834245161331000e-01 5.8179563841609050e-02 0. 0. -8.0440183287724919e-03</data></distortion_coefficients>

but undistortImage method accepts 4X1 distortion matrix. Any idea whats the way around to this problem