PCA returns NaN
Hi everybody,
I'm attempting to classify 10 classes of hand pictures using a specific feature space. Training data is converted to a Mat object containing 240 rows (number of training pictures) and 480 cols (number of features) normalized between 0 and 1. The type of training data mat is CV_64FC1. I'm going to pass this matrix to PCA in order to extract useful features. After that I want to pass PCA result to SVM in order to train a classifier.
The PCA object returns all -NaN and Inf after creating the object:
PCA pca(training_data_mat, Mat(), CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW);
is the matrix of the training data with 240 rows and 450 cols for 240 training images and 450 features. It is created in the following line:
training_data_mat.push_back(extract_features_mat(descriptor,hog_ders)) ;
the extract_features_mat
function is written such that returns a 1 row Mat of type CV_64FC1 containing features of the image. The following line is return value of the extract_features_mat
return Mat (1,feature_size, CV_64FC1, feature_value) ;
and feature_value
is a double array defined and filled in this function.
I'm totally confused what is wrong!
This is my extract_features_mat
Mat extract_features_mat(Mat descriptor, std::vector<float> hog_ders)
int feature_size = descriptor.cols + hog_ders.size() ;
double feature_value[feature_size] ;
double gamma = 0.05 ;
for(int j = 0 ; j < descriptor.cols ; j++)
feature_value[j] = 0 ;
for(int h = 0 ; h < descriptor.rows ; h++)
double to_be_added_value = (descriptor.at<double>(h,j)/pow(10,15) ) ;
feature_value[j] += to_be_added_value;
if(feature_value[j] > 1)
feature_value[j] = 1 ;
float max = 0 ;
for(int j = 0 ; j < descriptor.cols ; j++)
if(feature_value[j] < 0.1 )
feature_value[j] = 0.1 ;
feature_value[j] = 1 * pow(feature_value[j],gamma) ;
if(max < feature_value[j])
max = feature_value[j] ;
for(int j =0 ; j < descriptor.cols ; j++)
feature_value[j] = feature_value[j] / max ;
max = 0 ;
for(int j = descriptor.cols ; j < descriptor.cols + hog_ders.size() ; j++)
feature_value[j] = hog_ders.at(j - descriptor.cols) ;
if(max < feature_value[j])
max = feature_value[j] ;
for(int j = descriptor.cols ; j < descriptor.cols + hog_ders.size() ; j++)
feature_value[j] = feature_value[j] / max ;
return Mat(1,feature_size, CV_64FC1, feature_value) ;
are you sure about CV_64F ? if it's hog descriptors, those are CV_32F.
hog_ders is right now the vector of image histogram not HOG descriptors. However, converting the type to CV_32F does not change anything.
where exactly do you get those NaN's ? can you show more code ?
also, if your goal is, to reduce the number of cols, you'd want to pass the new number as last arg to the PCA()
I check eigenvalues after that. All values are -NaN:
In addition, transposing data_training_mat tends to appearance of some small numbers inside a bunch of NaNs and Infs in eigenvalues, if it clarifies some points!