Include files not recognized [closed]

asked 2016-07-11 19:39:10 -0600

alindsay gravatar image

updated 2018-08-28 11:51:45 -0600

UPDATE: Solved.

My project setting was x64, but I was adding my directories to Active(x64) properties. I changed my platform setting to x64 and everything worked fine. I had thought the "Active" was just Visual Studio saying x64 was 'active', but I was mistaken.

Original Post:

I am befuddled. I had a project "OpenCV_3_Car_Counting_Cpp" that was working fine and I was tweaking it for my needs. All of a sudden it quit working and would not build. A couple of times now I have deleted the entire project folder and started over, to no avail. I even reinstalled OpenCV. Libraries and paths all appear correctly referenced, still I get errors. Oddly enough, other example projects that reference the very same libraries and paths do not produce any errors, build, and run just fine. I cannot figure out what might be wrong. I've attached a set of screenshots that may help someone see what I'm missing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am completely stalled on working on this project until I can get the initial example code working.

Thanks in advance, Andrew

PS. I should mention that I am a total noob to both OpenCV and Visual Studio Community 2015. I am an analyst by trade and not a developer, although I can muddle along in code to a degree. I did a bit of coding years (decades) ago.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by berak
close date 2016-07-12 23:37:37.514196