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Unable to Build image-manipulations Sample for Android

asked 2013-12-05 21:17:09 -0600

updated 2018-12-06 12:47:46 -0600

I am new to android development, but my windows 7 development environment is seemingly set up and working correctly, at least for basic programs. I was planing to use opencv4android in one of my projects so I downloaded and installed both the library and the examples, however I am having trouble getting the sample programs to build correctly.

More precisely the build works ok, but the post compilation processing that occurs when I attempt to run the example from eclipse fails with an error that I do not understand... and after a lot of investigation and experimentation I have completely run out of ideas.

I have tried building using the full Android SDK from google as well as installing the latest version of Eclipse and the ADT plug in separately. But in both cases I get the same results. In both cases I believe I have followed the steps described in your tutorials relating to both setting up the SDK and for the installation of the opencv4android libraries and sample programs.

The (only) sample I am trying to build is the image-manipulations program, which builds without errors, but generates the following error during the post compilation stage:

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace. OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations     Unknown Android Packaging Problem

The verbose logs are as follows:

[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Using default Build Tools revision 19.0.0
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Refreshing resource folders.
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Using default Build Tools revision 19.0.0
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Starting incremental Pre Compiler: Checking resource changes.
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Nothing to pre compile!
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Starting incremental Package build: Checking resource changes.
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Using default Build Tools revision 19.0.0
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Skipping over Post Compiler.
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Using default Build Tools revision 19.0.0
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Starting full Post Compiler.
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Dx Using Pre-Dexed annotations-321762aea13f26e6df9890c72c86f257.jar <- C:\Users\alun\Code\Sde\android-sdk\tools\support\annotations.jar
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Dx Using Pre-Dexed opencv library - <- C:\Users\alun\Code\Android\Libs\OpenCV-\sdk\java\bin\opencv library -
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Dx Input: C:\Users\alun\Code\Android\Libs\OpenCV-\samples\image-manipulations\bin\dexedLibs\annotations-321762aea13f26e6df9890c72c86f257.jar
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Dx Input: C:\Users\alun\Code\Android\Libs\OpenCV-\samples\image-manipulations\bin\dexedLibs\opencv library -
[2013-12-05 21:57:50 - OpenCV Sample - image-manipulations] Dx Input: C:\Users\alun\Code\Android\Libs\OpenCV-\samples\image-manipulations\bin\classes
[2013-12-05 21:57 ...
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answered 2013-12-05 21:35:47 -0600

I just tried answering my own question, but apparently I can't do that as I am a new user :) So a comment is has to be :)

Immediately after posting this question I found this link:

Which suggested I could change the target API. I had already noted that the library and sample had target APIs of 11 and 14 but I had downloaded those APIs to solve the problem. After experiences with another project I had assumed they were set that way for a good reason....

However as it turns out when both set to use a target API version of 19 there was no problem and my error went away....

So the problem is solved, the target APIs needed to be the same.

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Asked: 2013-12-05 21:17:09 -0600

Seen: 831 times

Last updated: Dec 05 '13