Contrib extra module compilation
I have downloaded OpenCV & opencv_contrib and successfully generated project files using Visual Studio 2010.
Then I opened ALL_BUILD project. I compiled the OpenCV and the message in output window said that xmodules were not selected, 13 modules skipped. Then I selected the projects which start with "x" like xfeatures2D, xfeatures2D_object etc.
I try to compile it and I have this error. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\utility(129): error C2857: '#include' statement specified with the /YcU:/opencv_contrib-master/modules/tracking/src/precomp.hpp command-line option was not found in the source file
Is is something important and is it simple to fix?
In the header precomp.hpp there is:
#include "opencv2/tracking.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/utility.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp"
The project is configured to start compiler with /Yu option.
precompiled headers are tricky.
can you try to clean your build folder completely, and start from scratch with cmake ?
(also make sure, that BUILD_opencv_world is OFF)