convert the RGB image to a grayscale representation of its redness
Hi mate , I need RGB-->Grayscale_redness image that is to convert the more a pixel appears as red in the RGB image, the brighter it will be in the converted image.More specifically, it performs an RGB to Lab* color space conversion, then maps a range of a* values to grayscale values, such that white is assigned to the highest a* value resulting from the conversion, and black is assigned to a positive a* value determined by an algorithm parameter. How can I do ? Use Imgproc.cvtColor ( scr, dst , RGB2Lab ) or use Imgrpc.cvtColor( scr , dst , RGB2Gray ) and equalizeHist( scr, dst ) ? help me Please ? Thanks .
can't you just take the RED bgr channel ? (this sounds overly complicated for no reason)
yes is a great idea . any tips to select only red channel by OpenCV ?
in 3.10 version , it not work , moreover, I need to valutate the a* value for many threshold input . Any tips , to converse a* value to greyscale in 3.10 OpenCV ?
Thx to whoever deleted my ObjC answer. I tried and was unable to get back in ...apparently it was when the hardware went out. Im 47, half blind, and didnt see the tag button that said java. :o) In my defense the font on the button is smaller and hard to read.....for older folks.