Is namedWindow implemented in the linux version ?
The window.cpp code in highgui for namedWindow ends up calling CV_NO_GUI_ERROR("cvNamedWindow").
CV_NO_GUI_ERROR outputs "The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script" I get the above error message when I run my cpp program when calling namedWindow. Looks like most of the window.cpp functions generate the same error.
What do I need to do to get the opencv window.cpp functions to work on my raspberry pi?
Must be in the build process. It's picking up window.cpp instead of window_gtk.cpp
I've been looking at the build process and can't figure out how to modify to make it pickup window_gtk.cpp
Any ideas how to get it to link window_gtk into the .so file?
I just resolved this. Updated the opencv so and ts files and links in the /usr/local/lib directory and my program worked. Thanks for your considerations.
I would have put this response as the answer, but it would not accept my reply in the answer box.
how did you install opencv ? the libs weren't build with gui support.
do, what the error says, install gtk2 or qt, and rebuild the opencv libs.
can you show us the cmake output ? (edit & add to your question) it might not have found gtk correctly.
" I would have put this response as the answer, " -- make a comment, then i'll convert it to an answer.