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Camera not scanning face properly

asked 2016-03-18 06:25:48 -0600

I setup the opencv correctly and build an android project. it's working but with some issues like..

  1. sometime it scans two faces in one face.
  2. When i scan face with beard and w/o beard it fails to recognize.
  3. how can i scan a three years old picture with current picture

I posted a question here.

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answered 2016-03-18 07:44:56 -0600

zshn25 gravatar image

I suggest you first try your app on PC, rather than jumping to Android.

The problems you face are common ones if you are using any of the OpenCV Face Recognition algorithms (LBPHFaces, FisherFaces, EigenFaces). Try using all of these. In your file, line 16, change createLBPHFaceRecognizer to createFisherFaceRecognizer or createEigenFaceRecognizer and see which works best for you.

As per the face inside face problem, once you detect face, you can restrict the blobs according to its size(length, width, area). As for the beard part, try using other cascade classifiers. If not, create your own.

Research on how you can improve the available techniques or implement another Face recognition algorithm. (Read related papers)

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Asked: 2016-03-18 06:25:48 -0600

Seen: 229 times

Last updated: Mar 18 '16