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How many sliding windows are used by HaarDetection?

asked 2016-02-20 04:01:35 -0600

yoko gravatar image

I was wondering, how many Sliding windows are used in the Cascade.Detect function? I mean, if I detect 3 Objects in my pirture, I get a true positive rate of 3. But how about my true negative rate? How many times did the algorithm declare a background properly as a background?

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answered 2016-02-20 11:02:34 -0600

Eduardo gravatar image

updated 2016-02-20 11:07:16 -0600

For a single scale, it should be (img.width-win.width) x (img.height-win.height). For the other scales, I would loop to increase the minimal window size by a scale factor until reach the biggest window size enclosed in the image (not sure about the dimension of the biggest detection window).

You will have to substract your true positive.

A bit overkill: you could also substract the (unknown (if you don't tweak the code I think you cannot get this information) numbers of) neighbors of the true positive as there should be multiple detections near the final returned detection.

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Asked: 2016-02-20 04:01:35 -0600

Seen: 547 times

Last updated: Feb 20 '16