How to build GPU/CUDA on MSVS 2015?
I am trying to build OpenCV 3.1 using MSVS 2015 with CMake. It attempts to build, but the NVIDIA compiler fails because it says that it only supports VS2008, VS2010, and VS2013. Obviously, it can be built because the OpenCV download contains binaries for version 14 of the VS compiler which is VS2015. So how do you get it to compile and link?
"Obviously, it can be built because the OpenCV download contains binaries for version 14 of the VS compiler which is VS2015" - afaik, those binaries are "bare metal", without any support for CUDA,OCL or TBB compiled in.
Afaik, thanks for your response. I use the following command like that gleaned from the forum to do a build:
cmake -G"Visual Studio 14 Win64" -DWITH_IPP=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DWITH_OPENCL=ON ../opencv/sources cmake --build . --config release -- /maxcpucount:4
What should be the options to build it like it is delivered?
All I want to do is build it so that my compiler will recognize the code so I can debug a problem that I have found.
idk. how the prebuild binaries are build, but maybe looking at the vs2015 buildbot cmdline might help
Thanks! That helped, but it still tries to build some of the CUDA files and fails. There is some magic that I do not understand. I will eventually get it to build. I appreciate your help.