GDB failing due illegal instruction associated with cv::initInterTab2D()

asked 2015-11-25 00:52:50 -0600

OliverBJ01 gravatar image

updated 2017-12-26 10:24:06 -0600

I am running the latest OpenCV 3 under Ubutu 14.04 from the GIT repository on two machines; a laptop and an PC with Intel i7 CPU (6 cores)

Normally OpenCV runs on the PC, but GDB is now failing with "illegal instruction". The same config on the laptop is OK. I have searched all the threads, tried several suggestions, and recompiled OpenCV several times to no avail.

For example, running the C sample programs drawcontours.cpp gives the following...(I get the same result with another program with bgfg segmentation; also a initInterTab2D() problem)

Debug Window reports:

  • test_drawcontours [C/C++ Application]
  • test_drawcontours[2367] [ cores: 6]
  • Thread #1 [test_drawcontou] 2637 [core: 6] (Suspended : Signal : SIGILL:illegal instruction)
  • cv::initInterTab2D() at 0x7ffff6fea04c
  • _GLOBAL__sub_I_imgwarp.cpp() at 0x7ffff6eb5e62
  • etc

No source available for "cv::initInterTab2d() at 0x7ffff6fea04c"

Dissassembly around 0x7ffff6fea04c is:

  • 00007ffff6fea041: jne 0x7ffff6fe9fbe <_ZN2cvL14initInterTab2DEib+4558>
  • 00007ffff6fea047: jmpq 0x7ffff6fe8fb8 <_ZN2cvL14initInterTab2DEib+456>
  • 00007ffff6fea04c: vmovaps 0xa15e8c(%rip),%ymm0 # 0x7ffff79ffee0
  • 00007ffff6fea054: vcvtdq2ps 0xa15e64(%rip),%ymm2 # 0x7ffff79ffec0

P.S. -DENABLE_SSE2=OFF and -DENABLE_SSE3=OFF have no effect

Help!!! Thanks

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