stitching images and homography
How can I change the Opencv stitching code to compute the homography once for the first image pair and subsequent pairs simply warp with it? Please provide some suggestions so that I can understand and do it.
a subsequent pair will require a different transformation matrix, so why do you want it otherwise ?
I've edited the question. Please see editing in the question.
what you want, might be impossible / not feasible.
again, please explain the reason, why you want to avoid to calculate the homography for subsequent pairs
I've to actually do the video stabilization while reducing the time consumption and for that purpose, I need to start from image stitching and study its code thoroughly. What I catch from current Opencv stitching code is...that it calculates the homograph matrix for each overlapping pair and then process. We can improve the idea by calculating the homography of the first and second image and then calculating the homography of first and third image and then first and forth image and so on.
ahh, makes more sense now. you think, you've found some redundancy?
"and then first and forth image and so on." - we don't know at this stage, if the forth image should join the 1st, second or third (or 17th) image.
one more thing! I've read the second section "Feature Matching" in the research paper that comes along with the stitching documentation. I think that the whole homography concept of this stitching code is discussed here but in the code, find the homography matrix for a specific frame, The function :findhomography"isn't used in the provided stitching code but i think that it starts inside "HomographyBasedEstimator". I've consulted the OpenCV docmentation and the code but I couldn't get it clearly.
I am trying to do the exact same thing. Have you found a solution to your problem?