Expectation Maximization: logarithm likelihood > 0
I try to find the propability of a pixel from one image (ImageCurrent.tif, see at the end) to belongs of the foreground and background of another image (ImageFormer.tif).
Therefore, I create 2 GMMs (Gaussian Mixture Model) from one image with seperate foreground and background (using a mask). Then I used the predict function of the Expectation Maximization from OpenCV.
When I get back the logarithm likelihood of the predict function, I have sometimes values >0 which is for me strange as the probability should be between 0 and 1 (so the log likelihood should be <=0).
Is someone have experiment this kind of problem ? And how can I resolve it ?
Here is a test program showing the problem:
Mat mask = imread("mask.tiff", 0);
Mat formerImage = imread("ImageFormer.tiff");
Mat currentImage = imread("ImageCurrent.tiff");
// number of cluster in the GMM
int nClusters = 5;
int countB=0, countF=0;
Vec3b color;
Vec2d probFg, probBg; // probabilities to belong to the foreground or background from GMMs
//count the number of pixels for each training data
for(int c=0; c<=40;c++) {
for(int l=0; l<=40;l++) {
if(mask.at<BYTE>(l, c)==255) {
} else if(mask.at<BYTE>(l, c)==0) {
printf("countB %d countF %d \n", countB, countF);
Mat samplesForeground = Mat(countF,3, CV_64F);
Mat samplesBackground = Mat(countB,3, CV_64F);
// Expectation-Maximization able to resolve the GMM and to predict the probability for a pixel to belong to the GMM.
EM em_foreground= EM(nClusters);
EM em_background= EM(nClusters);
// fill the training data from the former image depending of the mask
for(int c=0; c<=40;c++) {
for(int l=0; l<=40;l++) {
if(mask.at<BYTE>(l, c)==255) {
color = formerImage.at<Vec3b>(l, c);
} else if(mask.at<BYTE>(l, c)==0) {
color = formerImage.at<Vec3b>(l, c);
samplesBackground.at<double>(countB, 0)=color[0];
samplesBackground.at<double>(countB, 1)=color[1];
samplesBackground.at<double>(countB, 2)=color[2];
printf("countB %d countF %d \n", countB, countF);
Mat sample(1, 3, CV_64F);
// try every pixel of the current image and get the log likelihood
for(int c=0; c<=40;c++) {
for(int l=0; l<=40;l++) {
color = currentImage.at<Vec3b>(l,c);
if(probFg[0]>0 || probBg[0]>0)
printf("probFg[0] %f probBg[0] %f \n", probFg[0], probBg[0]);
I tried the program with the followings images:
: http://postimage.org/image/eatsc71lj/
: http://postimage.org/image/sz4ona21j/
EDIT: Is this can be a bug from OpenCV ? As I'm not sure if it is normal or not, I don't know if I should open a ticket.
Did you ever discover the solution to this? I have the identical problem.
@CalumMurray I haven't discover any solution about that. I also post the question in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14230377/opencv-output-of-the-predict-function-of-expectation-maximization But didn't get any success... If you find the solution, please post it, thank's.