Problem with opencv_contrib [closed]
I'm working with OpenCV 3.0 without problems.
Now I'm trying follow the Features2D tutorials (using tools like SURF).
I installed the opencv_contrib without problems, as in the README.
After installed it, I make my project and the there is no erros.
But when I execute the program, is showing "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". It happens even if I re-make other project, which were working before I add the opencv_contrib (which doesn't use the xfeatures2d).
If I cmake OpenCV again, without the opencv_contrib path, I can re-make the projects again and they works ( unless the project which need the xfeatures2d).
How can I solve it?
which os is it ? did you ty to debug it ?
is it this one ?
you could try to disable the dnn module with
cmake -DBUILD_opencv_dnn=OFF
I'm using Fedora 22 and write the code with C++. I disabled that module and the problem is solved! How can I figure out that the DNN module were causing this problem? :/
Thank you @berak!
"How can I figure out ?" - i whish i knew. i only thought, the issue above sounded familiar.