Opencv 3.0 contrib Java
I want to use the BackgroundSubtractorMOG from the opencv_contrib but seems like some modules are no ready for Java. Are all extras modules available for Java? am I missing an step? I follow this
All the rest seems to be working good. All help will be appreciated.
you could try to enable the java wrappers for the bgsegm module:change this to:
ocv_define_module(bgsegm opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_video opencv_highgui WRAP python java)
and rerun cmake/make/installThis seems to be a good idea, but I a not sure where this command should be included Could you point me to the right direction?
again, try to change the CmakeLists.txt file there, and rerun cmake.While make is running there is some javac errors
Make fails with error 2 ant 75%
Is there something missing or a required step?
oh, sorry, my bad, whole idea does not seem to work.
No worries, was worth the shot. So, any idea?
Seems like when making bgsem is trying to import BackgroundSubtractor class. But since BackgroundSubtractor is in a separate package there is an error. Is there a way to update the paths for making the import?
it should import, but it does not. there is a section in the generator script, that handles the imports, but i did not dare to fumble with that.
on win, the opencv_java300.jar / dll still gets built, it just does not contain anything from bgsegm.
sorry again, no clue atm.