Vec2i bug(s) in OpenCV 2.4? [closed]

asked 2015-04-20 20:29:41 -0600

papojt gravatar image

I have a matrix that I would like to store integer pairs into it, so I set it up like this:

// src is some image (CV_8UC1) I used as a mask
cpc = Mat(cv::Size(src.rows, src.cols), CV_16SC2);

// initialization
for( int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y )
    for( int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x )
        if ((int)<uchar>(y,x) == 0)
  <cv::Vec2i>(y,x) = cv::Vec2i(y,x);
        } else {
  <cv::Vec2i>(y,x) = cv::Vec2i(-1,-1);
        std::cout << "\tcpc(" << y << "," << x << "): " <<<Vec2i>(y,x)[0] << ", " <<<Vec2i>(y,x)[1] << std::endl;


std::cout << "\t********************************************************************************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\t********************************************************************************" << std::endl;

for( int y = 0; y < src.rows; ++y )
    for( int x = 0; x < src.cols; ++x )
        std::cout << "\tcpc(" << y << "," << x << "): " <<<Vec2i>(y,x)[0] << ", " <<<Vec2i>(y,x)[1] << std::endl;

You'd expect the two print-outs to be identical, but they are not. Look at (0,3) for example:

cpc(0,0): -1, -1
cpc(0,1): 0, 1
cpc(0,2): -1, -1
cpc(0,3): -1, -1
cpc(1,0): -1, -1
cpc(1,1): 1, 1
cpc(1,2): -1, -1
cpc(1,3): -1, -1
cpc(2,0): -1, -1
cpc(2,1): 2, 1
cpc(2,2): -1, -1
cpc(2,3): -1, -1
cpc(3,0): -1, -1
cpc(3,1): 3, 1
cpc(3,2): -1, -1
cpc(3,3): -1, -1
cpc(0,0): -1, -1
cpc(0,1): 0, 1
cpc(0,2): -1, -1
cpc(0,3): 1, 1
cpc(1,0): -1, -1
cpc(1,1): 1, 1
cpc(1,2): -1, -1
cpc(1,3): 2, 1
cpc(2,0): -1, -1
cpc(2,1): 2, 1
cpc(2,2): -1, -1
cpc(2,3): 3, 1
cpc(3,0): -1, -1
cpc(3,1): 3, 1
cpc(3,2): -1, -1
cpc(3,3): -1, -1

I am wondering if this is OpenCV's bug since the same code with CV_32FC2 and Vec2f format does not produce unexpected result.

Assigning Vec2i matrix with Scalar seems to also produce a strange behavior when I assign it with negative value. The following line:

cpc = Mat(cv::Size(src.rows, src.cols), CV_16SC2, Scalar(-1, -1));

will sometimes give value print-out as 0 instead of -1. Anyone experienced this before? I also tried Scalar_<int>(-1,-1) but it still didn't initialize the matrix cpc correctly with all -1.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by papojt
close date 2015-04-21 16:20:18.594719



since your Mat is CV_16SC2, you have to use Vec2s , not Vec2i

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2015-04-21 00:49:39 -0600 )edit

Thank you. My bad. I will close the question.

papojt gravatar imagepapojt ( 2015-04-21 16:20:05 -0600 )edit