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How to Identify a color in a specific area of the image

asked 2015-04-14 20:48:44 -0600

samirissa00 gravatar image


i 'd like to know, how to identify a specific area in image with a specific color ?

ex. one image with a red or similar color on the top right corner of the image .

I want draw something like a circle or a square around the region the was idenfied , but the code

need to discover the red color ou similar colors in the position "top right corner "

the purpose of that is use on air photographs from drones to identify regions with problems on ground to agriculture sector.


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try to search about the inRange() function, and examples of it

theodore gravatar imagetheodore ( 2015-04-15 09:00:04 -0600 )edit

sorry but i think that is not inRange what i need !! do you have another ideias ? Thks

samirissa00 gravatar imagesamirissa00 ( 2015-04-17 09:20:11 -0600 )edit

Please see the example in the answer . It is the final picture that i want make.

samirissa00 gravatar imagesamirissa00 ( 2015-04-17 09:37:48 -0600 )edit

Do you want or not to detect an area in your image that is red or "reddish"? If not then try to provide a better description of what you want to do. Some photos might also help.

theodore gravatar imagetheodore ( 2015-04-17 09:39:35 -0600 )edit

Sorry, red is only a example , can be another color, its depend , what color i want to detect , is it can be done ?

samirissa00 gravatar imagesamirissa00 ( 2015-04-17 14:47:04 -0600 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2015-04-17 09:36:03 -0600

samirissa00 gravatar image

updated 2015-04-17 09:41:08 -0600

please look that , is something like that .!

where was green is something like other color now , with a shape around .image description

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Asked: 2015-04-14 20:48:44 -0600

Seen: 644 times

Last updated: Apr 17 '15