CirclesGridFinderParameters values meaning

asked 2015-03-17 13:01:51 -0600

nikitos1550 gravatar image


What are these parameters for? What is meaning of each of them?

  minDensity = 10;
  densityNeighborhoodSize = Size2f(16, 16);
  minDistanceToAddKeypoint = 20;
  kmeansAttempts = 100;
  convexHullFactor = 1.1f;
  keypointScale = 1;

  minGraphConfidence = 9;
  vertexGain = 2;
  vertexPenalty = -5;
  edgeGain = 1;
  edgePenalty = -5;
  existingVertexGain = 0;

  minRNGEdgeSwitchDist = 5.f;
  gridType = SYMMETRIC_GRID;
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My sugguestion , you can try to find source code, try to understand this function how to operate. I think you can know those parameters.

wuling gravatar imagewuling ( 2015-03-19 04:58:51 -0600 )edit