again, i'm pretty sure, you won't need this, since you can easily infer the rectangle from the users position, and the position of the FloorMat , it's just plain maths after all
Rect floorMat(20,20, 600,600); // let's assume, your mat is at 20,20, and it's 600 wide.
Point user(344,523); // arbitrary user position
user -=; // translate to floorMat coords
cerr << user << endl;
int ix = int(user.x) / (floorMat.width / 3); // get x,y square index
int iy = int(user.y) / (floorMat.height/ 3);
cerr << ix << " " << iy << endl;
int rect_id = ix + iy *3 + 1; // +1, since you insist on starting to count at 1
cerr << "user is in square " << rect_id << endl;
[324, 503]
1 2
user is in square 8
but here we go, let's try to detect the squares as well:
Mat ocv = imread("squares.jpg");
Mat image;
threshold(image,image,20,255,1); // white on black required
vector<vector<Point>> contours;
vector<Rect> rects;
for ( int i=0; i<contours.size(); i++)
double a = contourArea(contours[i]);
if ( a > 5000 && a < 50000) // filter by size
Rect r = boundingRect(contours[i]);
// for the fun of it, let's sort the rects l->r, t->d:
struct Less
bool operator () (const Rect &a, const Rect &b)
return (a.x + a.y*10000) < (b.x + b.y*10000);
std::sort(rects.begin(),rects.end(), Less());
cerr << Mat(rects) << endl;
[6, 3, 89, 70;
96, 3, 99, 70;
196, 3, 87, 70;
6, 74, 89, 91;
96, 74, 99, 91;
196, 74, 87, 91;
6, 166, 89, 77;
96, 166, 99, 77;
196, 166, 87, 77]
i guess, you don't even have to detect squares explicitly, more the position of the user.
The users position i can easily get from the skeletal frame of the kinect, the issue is how will i check what are the boundaries of the square. For example, after I place this mat on the floor how will my program detect if the user is in the boundary of square 1, 2 or 3 etc. . .
if you know the position, you already know , which square the user is on.