namedWindow does not show window
I'm using VC12 and Win8.1. I think that I configured my project fine, because it compiles.
I use this sample code
So I run the application without debugging about VC12. The Message " Usage: display_image ImageToLoadAndDisplay" is displayed and the console application waits for key stroke. But no new window will be displayed.
Same issue by executing the program about command prompt.
I tried also the execution by using admin rights, but it does not display any new window.
Any hints for fixing this issue?
display_image lena.png
(it wants an image as a cmdline argument)
((you can probably even drag & drop an image onto your exe))
(((also, no worries, if you got here, you've done everything right so far..)))
yes, I know... so the sample works here on my machine and finds the referenced image, because it does not return -1 and waits for a key stroke, but the image window is not displayed.
wait, back to start. look at line 12. as long as you see that message, you did not supply correct cmdline args
Oh... sorry, you're right... So I hard coded the reference and removes the argument condition
So I have figure out now what's going wrong by executing the exe with command prompt. Thank you. Now it works fine.
btw, look at the properties sheet, debugging settings. you can set startup path and cmdline args there
(you'll encounter that problem quite often..)