I wanna tutorial for Android‘s Opencv Sample without Opencv Manager!
at least, Opencv Manager's source should be open and put into sdk files for android.
OpenCV Manager is very powerful tool. It not only decreases your package size, but also provides different library builds for different platforms. Depending on hardware you've got additional performance optimizations. Currently supported platforms are: armeabi (armv5, armv6), armeabi-v7a (arm-v7a), armeabi-v7a with NEON, Tegra3, x86 and MIPS. It allows also to update OpenCV independently from your package. OpenCV team adds support for new versions of Android, fixes issues, makes performance optimizations and you no not need to wary about it. All packages are binary compatible and do not break existing apps.
You can work with OpenCV library without Manager. You need to add two strings "OPENCV_CAMERA_MODULES := on" and "OPENCV_INSTALL_MODULES := on" to Android.mk before including OpenCV.mk and use initDebug() method instead initAsync() in Java source code. See tutorial for more details.
OpenCV Manager source code is open and available in project git repository.
Your source code is not available on Git Repository....?
Asked: 2012-11-27 00:04:59 -0600
Seen: 1,086 times
Last updated: Feb 18 '13
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