OpenCV 3.0 Alpha
Is the 3.0 Alpha release for Windows x64 or x86(32bit) or both?
Is the 3.0 Alpha release for Windows x64 or x86(32bit) or both?
Asked: 2014-10-03 22:04:21 -0600
Seen: 168 times
Last updated: Oct 03 '14
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hi joe, this is for both bits, here the problem is 3.0.0 is testing version when we are working with any project we should use stable version here advanced stable version of opencv 2.4.9 only, we are expecting 3.0.0 stable version in further days..
Thank you, it's gov...
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thank you its gov ...
as to add to that. You can use it on both systems, but do leave the alpha version alone and grab the latest 3.0 build on GitHub. It has tons of fixes in the meanwhile and works much better!