Detect ROI color [closed]
Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way
Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way
Asked: 2014-09-14 17:15:05 -0600
Seen: 1,148 times
Last updated: Sep 14 '14
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aww, don't post duplicates, please..
worse enough, that you put all of it into the title (so anyone reading it suffers from serious eye-bleeding), please read the faq on how to actually improve your question
oh i'm sorry .. i wrote "RIO" instead of "ROI" by mistake i'm looking for something that tell me the Predominant color in ROI .. for example if the there is 200 red pixel and 20 green pixel this ROI Will be considered as Red
I think it's OK now .. i edit the post by replacing title with content sorry for confusing you ...
no fear, you're doing fine ;)
again, could you clarify, if you're trying to track a colored region through succesive frames(camshift,tracking), or are you just trying to segment a colored region in 1 image ?(segmentation, inRange())
no i'm not tracking a colored region i want to select any part of my image with mouse by drag and drop AS ROI 'i have done this part of my code ' .. then i want to detect the color of this segmented Part by calculating Dominant color on it .. i hope you understand my Q .. Sorry for poor language .. i'm not fluent