What can make these two lib (surf and sift) [closed]

asked 2014-08-11 13:38:43 -0600

khalid011 gravatar image

updated 2014-08-11 13:48:13 -0600

I want to use opencv but the obvious problem of these two algo () that can tell what is the lib and how I can replace

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-09-26 13:33:34.541087



please get someone to help you with the language, also read the faq

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-08-11 13:41:33 -0600 )edit

if you don't want the patented algos to be part of your installation, try building with cmake BUILD_opencv_nonfree=OFF (so the nonfree module won't be built)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-08-12 01:09:07 -0600 )edit

If the problem is that you don't managed to use SIFT & SURF, it's probably because these algorithms are patented. To use it, add the following line into your main.cpp :

#include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>

And load the nonfree module in your main with this function :

cv::initModule_nonfree(); // to load SURF/SIFT etc.

It should to the trick.

Willy' gravatar imageWilly' ( 2014-08-12 03:17:12 -0600 )edit