OpenCV Python StereoCalibrate error
I am still using the old python CV interface as there is other code I do not want to migrate to the new python CV2 interface. When using the stereocalibrate function, I already have all my intrinsic camera parameters ready when I did a separate calibration of both my cameras using the cameraCalibrate function. I only want to find the R, T, E, and F matrices.
I am getting the error:
SystemError: new style getargs format but argument is not a tuple
The following code is posted here:
import cv
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
from sys import getsizeof
import time
imagePoints = []
objectPoints = []
pointCounts = []
positions = 10
K1 = np.asarray([( 2303.88696, 0.00000000, 315.330859),
( 0.00000000, 2303.75915, 234.229586),
( 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 1.00000000)])
K2 = np.asarray([( 2294.70130, 0.00000000, 320.751796),
( 0.00000000, 2293.85357, 240.760682),
( 0.00000000, 0.00000000, 1.00000000)])
distcoeffs1 = np.asarray([( -7.42497976e-03, 3.74099082e+00, -1.81154814e-03, 3.65969196e-04)])
distcoeffs2 = np.asarray([( 4.05620881e-03, 3.27334706e+00, -5.00835868e-04, 1.56068477e-03)])
imageSize = (640,480)
R = np.asarray([(0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.)])
T = np.asarray([(0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.)])
E = np.asarray([(0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.)])
F = np.asarray([(0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.)])
images = range(0,positions)
for numberofimages in images:
print numberofimages
temp_output = []
temp_coord = []
f_output = file('/home/Desktop/output_stereo/output_cam1_%d.txt' %numberofimages, 'r')
f_coord = file('/home/Desktop/output_stereo/coord.txt', 'r')
for line_output in f_output:
row_output = line_output.split()
temp_output = temp_output + [row_output]
for line_coord in f_coord:
row_coord = line_coord.split()
temp_coord = temp_coord + [row_coord]
count_output = range(0,len(temp_output))
count_coord = range(0,len(temp_coord))
for index_output in count_output:
row_output = temp_output[index_output]
imagePoints = imagePoints + [(float(row_output[0]),float(row_output[1]))]
for index_coord in count_coord:
row_coord = temp_coord[index_coord]
objectPoints = objectPoints + [(float(row_coord[0]),float(row_coord[1]),0)]
#pointCounts = pointCounts + [len(temp_output)]
imagePoints1 = cv.fromarray(np.asarray(imagePoints))
objectPoints = cv.fromarray(np.asarray(objectPoints))
imagePoints = []
for numberofimages in images:
print numberofimages
temp_output = []
temp_coord = []
f_output = file('/home/Desktop/output_stereo/output_cam2_%d.txt' %numberofimages, 'r')
f_coord = file('/home/Desktop/output_stereo/coord.txt', 'r')
for line_output in f_output:
row_output = line_output.split()
temp_output = temp_output + [row_output]
for line_coord in f_coord:
row_coord = line_coord.split()
temp_coord = temp_coord + [row_coord]
count_output = range(0,len(temp_output))
count_coord = range(0,len(temp_coord))
for index_output in count_output:
row_output = temp_output[index_output]
imagePoints = imagePoints + [(float(row_output[0]),float(row_output[1]))]
pointCounts = pointCounts + [len(temp_output)]
imagePoints2 = cv.fromarray(np.asarray(imagePoints))
pointCounts = cv.fromarray(np.asarray(np.int32([pointCounts])))
cv.StereoCalibrate(objectPoints, imagePoints1, imagePoints2, pointCounts, cv.fromarray(K1), cv.fromarray(distcoeffs1), cv.fromarray(K2), cv.fromarray(distcoeffs2), imageSize, cv.fromarray(R), cv.fromarray(T), cv.fromarray(E), cv.fromarray(F), cv.CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC)
The only argument that StereoCalibrate that is a tuple is imageSize, but I have already created it as a tuple. Every other argument is a CV array.
Which argument is causing the problem for me? The error does not give me any hints on which one.