Would you be willing to share your buildbot config?
I am working on setting up CI tools (buildbot+GitHub) for our open source seismology codes at Princeton University (e.g. https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d). We would like to set up buildbot the way it is done with OpenCV. More precisely:
- We want the buildbot to run as soon a developer submits a pull-request.
- If the buildbot fails, we want the developer to be able to fix the errors without submitting another pull-request.
We already have a buildbot running, so I know how to set one up, but it's not fully automatic. I would appreciate it if you would be willing to share your buildbot config files (master.cfg and other python scripts), or parts of them, so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel. I have done some Googling but couldn't find anything on your set up. I think that if you were to share those configs, it would be a great benefit for the buildbot community. Buildbot is great but the learning curve is steep.
maybe one of the apparent maintainers can help you