opencv2/core/ultility.hpp not found
I have a problem. My compiler says that "fatal error: opencv2/core/utility.hpp: No such file or directory compilation terminated". There isnot the file in my opencv2 folder. What should I do?
I read this title ,but I dont understand the solution.
opencv version is 2.3.1
opencv2/core/utility.hpp is probably from 3.0 code (master). getTickCount(), format() and such were moved there.
on 2.3.1 just include opencv2/core/core.hpp
if that's from one of the samples, you want to select the proper 2.4 branch, not 3.0
first try to comment it out simply
I tried it but there are many error on compile.
ok. leave it. it expects 3.0, you got 2.3.1.
is it one of the opencv samples ? maybe we can help you find one fitting to your version
yes , it is opencv samples. the name is opencv_source_code/samples/ocl/surf_matcher.cpp
there you go ;)