overlay between two Equirectangular/Spherical projections

asked 2014-02-20 11:59:37 -0600

pbologna gravatar image

I should realize an algorithm/function (in C++) to overlay two Equirectangular/Spherical projections like the following:


Can you address me in doing this?
Does OpenCV already contain something that may be of help?
Naturally Verticals should be preserved while searching the best fitting and modifying just one image (pano2) to overlay in the best way over the other (pano1).
If OpenCV can't do this alone I'd really appreciate if you can anyway point me to the right path.

Thanks in advance

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oh dear, that are really large sample images ..

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2014-02-20 13:56:19 -0600 )edit