filestorage unit tests fails after installation [closed]

asked 2020-06-20 09:18:24 -0600

lenmen gravatar image

updated 2020-06-20 09:28:34 -0600

berak gravatar image

I have followed the setps on this page And after I finished I tried to run run the unit tests with the command ./bin/opencv_test_core and all tests succeeded except the next ones:

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[ SKIPSTAT ] 6 tests skipped
[ SKIPSTAT ] TAG='mem_2gb' skip 1 tests
[ SKIPSTAT ] TAG='skip_other' skip 5 tests
[==========] 11477 tests from 241 test cases ran. (327833 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 11473 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 4 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Core_InputOutput.filestorage_base64_basic_read_XML
[  FAILED  ] Core_InputOutput.filestorage_base64_basic_read_YAML
[  FAILED  ] Core_InputOutput.filestorage_base64_basic_read_JSON
[  FAILED  ] Core_globbing.accuracy

I don't know if I should fix those tests which has failed or just ignore them.

I am trying to make this work on my Raspberry pi 4.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by berak
close date 2020-06-20 10:24:13.766491


opencv version ?

did you get the opencv_extra repo (test data) ?

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-06-20 09:29:05 -0600 )edit

Yes I did, It seems to be fixed now. I did SET OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH ... but it looks like it didn't set the environment variable instead of set I used export which seems to set that variable and after running the test again all suceeded. Thanks for the mention (:

lenmen gravatar imagelenmen ( 2020-06-20 10:09:07 -0600 )edit

yea, export, not set on linux ;)

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2020-06-20 10:20:36 -0600 )edit