Opencv4.1.1 build error
So I was able to build opencv4.1 (by downloading opencv4.1 and OpenCV-contrib) on ubuntu 16.04 and everything went fine. I also tried searching for the features2d package and was able to locate them under usr/local/include. Though in my case in the home directory I have created a separate folder in which I cloned the OpenCV git repo. Now when I try to build the project as mentioned in the following link I get the following error
Fatal error: xfeatures2d.hpp no such file or directory
What is strange is that when I go to the home folder in which OpenCV and OpenCV contribs are located I can find these files. Similarly, I can locate the library features2d in the usr/local/lib folder also. I tried to edit the cmakelist.txt file in the project by adding set("OPECV_DIR",/usr/local) but that didn't work. Any suggestions as to what can I do
your include path is wrong.
hmmm so should i set it as #include<usr local="" opencv4="" xfeatures2d=""> or should I do set("OPENCV_DIR",the home directory path") Sorry but this is the first time I am building it from source