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Is there OpenCV.framework available for MacOS that can be notarized from within a .pkg installer in order to be compatible with Mac OSX Catalina?

asked 2019-08-27 07:37:00 -0600

pk34 gravatar image


Since Apple is enforcing apps to be notarized in order to run on Catalina (without any error pop-ups), I am trying to notarize my installer package (.pkg) for it to be compatible with the OS. The package bundles an app that includes OpenCV.framework (version 2, that I build from source and signed it with my developer certificate). If I remove the framework, the installer can be notarized ( I get confirmation email that says I can distribute my software). However, if I keep OpenCV framework in the app bundle and try to notarize, then I get errors, like - binary is not signed AND does not include secure timestamp in "Contents/Frameworks/OpenCV2.framework/Versions/A/OpenCV2".

One of the questions asked in apple developer forum ( also mentions the similar thing, and the response from apple technical support is "nested code does come into play here." I looked at the OpenCV.framework, and everything seems correct.

So, my question is - is there OpenCV binary available for MacOS that can address my issue? Since I am using OpenCV2, does OpenCV4 resolve the issue that I am seeing? Does anyone have encountered this issue? I greatly appreciate any help/guidance that I can get.

Thank you, PK

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answered 2020-04-27 11:55:50 -0600

ademmler gravatar image

Hello PK,

forgive me - I do not have an answer for this. But I would like to compile a opncv4.framework myself. - Can you point me to a tutorial how to do this? - Do you know the command to use within the opencv make tree ...

thx Alexander

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Kindly, don't post answer. If you have a question, then post in comment.

supra56 gravatar imagesupra56 ( 2020-04-27 21:18:57 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2019-08-27 07:37:00 -0600

Seen: 839 times

Last updated: Apr 27 '20