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34 Failed Test in OpenCV 4.1.0's core test

asked 2019-06-22 11:44:29 -0600


I tried compiling OpenCV 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 with some features enabled. The opencv_test_core has these failures:

[==========] 10802 tests from 229 test cases ran. (335112 ms total)

[ PASSED ] 10768 tests.

[ FAILED ] 34 tests, listed below:

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_BASELINE

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_BASELINE

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_SSE2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_SSE2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_SSE3

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_SSE3

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_SSE4_1

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_SSE4_1

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_SSE4_2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_SSE4_2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_AVX

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_AVX

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float32x4_AVX2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin128.float64x2_AVX2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin256.float32x4_AVX2

[ FAILED ] hal_intrin256.float64x2_AVX2

[ FAILED ] Core_globbing.accuracy

[ FAILED ] Mat.regression_10507_mat_setTo

[ FAILED ] Core_Pow.special

[ FAILED ] Core_QR_Solver.accuracy64f

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/0, where GetParam() = (false, 1, false, false, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/1, where GetParam() = (false, 1, false, false, true)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/2, where GetParam() = (false, 1, false, true, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/4, where GetParam() = (false, 1, true, false, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/5, where GetParam() = (false, 1, true, false, true)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/6, where GetParam() = (false, 1, true, true, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/7, where GetParam() = (false, 1, true, true, true)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/8, where GetParam() = (false, 5, false, false, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/9, where GetParam() = (false, 5, false, false, true)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/12, where GetParam() = (false, 5, true, false, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/13, where GetParam() = (false, 5, true, false, true)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/14, where GetParam() = (false, 5, true, true, false)

[ FAILED ] Core_DivideRules.type_32f/15, where GetParam() = (false, 5, true, true, true)

[ FAILED ] Core/HAL.mat_decomp/15, where GetParam() = 15

From another post, I know that hal_intrin* failures are okay to ignore, but I have no idea about other failures, such as Core_DivideRules.type_32f/*. Any ideas?

Lastly, this is not the first time that I had tried to run opencv_core_test after a build, and this run took quite long (335112 ms total), is that normal?

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1 answer

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answered 2019-06-24 22:51:28 -0600

I tried multiple cmake options to see if these failed tests would go away. The original cmake with 34 failed tests is: cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib/modules -D WITH_CUDA=ON -D WITH_TBB=ON -D ENABLE_FAST_MATH=1 -D CUDA_FAST_MATH=1 -D WITH_CUBLAS=1 -D WITH_FFMPEG=1 -D WITH_OPENGL=ON -D BUILD_DOCS=1 -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -D OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH=../../opencv_extra/testdata -D OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=ON -D BUILD_opencv_cudacodec=OFF ..

After I turned ENABLE_FAST_MATH, CUDA_FAST_MATH, WITH_CUBLAS, WITH_FFMPEG and to OFF, the build was able to pass all tests except Core_globbing.accuracy. Unfortunately, I am not sure whether turning all four off are necessary as I don't have time to test, I do think WITH_FFMPEG can be kept ON. Here was the command I used:


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is this an answer to your question ? (i don't think so)

maybe you should edit your question, and put the addditional information there.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-06-25 00:36:50 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2019-06-22 11:44:29 -0600

Seen: 741 times

Last updated: Jun 24 '19