How do I make the characters standout on the following [closed]

asked 2019-03-26 13:03:05 -0600


I'm trying to read the numbers below from a GAS meter in google AI but the numbers are not clear enough for it to pick them up. How can I make the numbers stand out more in openCV so google AI will then read the numbers? Or is there a better alternative to what i'm currently doing? Your help is much appreciated.

I'm only interested in "1455121" in the image, the actual meter.

image description

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-10-25 15:52:16.809510


Or is there a better alternative to what i'm currently doing?

what are you doing, so far ? show us !

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-03-26 13:21:22 -0600 )edit

Thanks for your comment. I'm currently not doing anything in opencv. I'm using google api to upload the image as is. like i explained i want a way to make the digits stand out more using open cv and then upload to google api.

resolver101757 gravatar imageresolver101757 ( 2019-03-26 16:30:03 -0600 )edit

downvoted for: no own attempt visible.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2019-03-27 02:11:54 -0600 )edit