what is the maximum readable size of image in opencv
while using opencv for image processing ,what is the maximum allowable size of image?
while using opencv for image processing ,what is the maximum allowable size of image?
Asked: 2013-09-20 03:26:48 -0600
Seen: 1,439 times
Last updated: Sep 20 '13
opencv_traincascade with same size negatives (as positives)
Huge time to upload data to GPU
different step size output for cv::Mat::step1
Defined an object on photo observed at a certain angle. Appreciate its size.
cv::gpu::sepFilter2D maximum kernel size
Area of Interest and Hough Line accuracy problem( detect slightly distorted lines)
Im not exactly sure, but the limit should be your available RAM or at least the maximum the program can allocate (limits in the programming language). c++ usually has no limits (regarding the heap)