opencv-master-4.0.1 cmake with tesseract on windows 10
After unsuccesful attempts to build leptonica+tesseract with codeblocks(mingw 64bit) I used MS Visual Studo 15 2017 Win64 and finally was successful. I created
and copied
F:\leptonica-1.74.4\src\*.h to F:\tesseract-3.05.01\Files\leptonica\include\.
F:\leptonica-1.74.4\build\src\*.h to F:\tesseract-3.05.01\Files\leptonica\include\.
Now I have the required modules to build openvc with tesseract --- I thought...
Using F:/OpenCV-Source/opencv-master-4.0.1 I started CMAKE. After first Configure I added the following 3 entries
Tesseract_INCLUDE_DIR F:/tesseract-3.05.01/include
Tesseract_LIBRARY F:/tesseract-3.05.01/build/Release/tesseract305.lib
Lept_LIBRARY F:/leptonica-1.74.4/build/src/Release/leptonica-1.74.4.lib
into the CMAKE window and started Configure again. However, I did not see any indication that tesseract is included in my build.
What am I doing wrong? How do I configure CMAKE to have tesseract included?
Basically I followed the answer in by strukmen
Thanks for hints Wolf
it's here :
@WolfG i tried to update my previous answer. please see it and ask if something is unclear.
@WolfG Did you install tesseract ?
Thanks guys, your hints helped me to compile the stuff. Wolf