Roll, Pitch, Yaw ROS right hand notation from Aruco marker rvec
I'm trying to get the RPY of an Aruco marker from the camera view using the ROS notation. ROS axis notations are right hand, where positive x points north, y west and z upwards. I'm following this post but I can't get it to work properly for ROS notation. This is my implementation:
def rpy_decomposition(self, rvec):
R, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rvec)
sin_x = math.sqrt(R[2, 0] * R[2, 0] + R[2, 1] * R[2, 1])
singular = sin_x < 1e-6
if not singular:
z1 = math.atan2(R[2, 0], R[2, 1]) # around z1-axis
x = math.atan2(sin_x, R[2, 2]) # around x-axis
z2 = math.atan2(R[0, 2], -R[1, 2]) # around z2-axis
else: # gimbal lock
z1 = 0 # around z1-axis
x = math.atan2(sin_x, R[2, 2]) # around x-axis
z2 = 0 # around z2-axis
z2 = -(2*math.pi -z2)%(2*math.pi)
return z1, x, z2
I can't really find a working code in Python or C++. Thanks