HDR Merge process called without the the response arg
I try in Python the example of the "memorial". There are two possibilities to call the merge: 1. Calibrate the response on images and times and use to use it for the merge 2. Do the merge directly on images and times I do not get the same result. The image created by 2 is correct and the image created by 2 bad Do I make some mistake ? Regards
calibrate = cv.createCalibrateDebevec()
response = calibrate.process(images, times)
merge_debevec = cv.createMergeDebevec()
#hdr = merge_debevec.process(images, times, response) #Bad
hdr = merge_debevec.process(images, times) #Good
tonemap = cv.createTonemapReinhard()
ldr = tonemap.process(hdr)
cv.imwrite('ldr.png', ldr * 255)
cv.imwrite('hdr.hdr', hdr)
There is something missing parameter. I had same code as your dating back in 2017.
Thanks for answering.and your code
works but the default value for the third parameter 1 (light_adapt) gives a very bad result. This explains my result, With 0 as in your code the result is good.
In some examples that I have found people call directly merge without the precalculated response. What this does and what we get is not very clear, In my case the result is better ! Very strange.
I am really confused with MergeDebevec ! In my case calling process without the third arg response gives me a better result. This method is referenced in the doc and many use it. But impossible to know what is actually done in this case.