build 4.01 with vs2017 + WITH_QT & WITH_OPENGL errors
OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH : opencv_contrib-master/opencv_contrib-master/modules; ERRORS:
Error LNK1104 cannot open file '..\..\lib\Debug\opencv_highgui401d.lib' opencv_perf_imgcodecs ;
Error LNK1104 cannot open file '..\..\lib\Debug\opencv_structured_light401d.lib' opencv_test_structured_light
and other silimar 96 errors;
Error C2065 'GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT': undeclared identifier opencv_highgui opencv-master\opencv-master\modules\highgui\src opencv-master\opencv-master\modules\highgui\src\window_QT.cpp 3228
the highgui lib could not be build because of the opengl related error, thus other modules dependant on it failed to build.
you could try to disable opengl:
you could also try to
and btw, which qt version is it, exactly ?
thanks; QT version is 5.12; i just want to interact with OPENGL; i had tried to add #include <gl gl.h=""> but more errors occured.