How to make dull text bold
Text on my image is dull and sparse in some places. How can I make it bolder and how can I join sparse regions on letter? (red circles on the second image)
Text on my image is dull and sparse in some places. How can I make it bolder and how can I join sparse regions on letter? (red circles on the second image)
I am beginner my self, this can totally be OCR'ed with some processing to gather the text out of the image, or if the language you are working with isn't supported you can use something like DB clustering provided with correct text representations it would effectively stitch the whole thing according to the pixels from the images provided! try this link :
try smiley in it with default settings you'll see how it stitches the whole things with scattered pixels, we can use this to get definite text patterns out of this thing then we can use some image manipulation techniques to colour the bound area. pardon me if this is a bad approach, still learning :)
Asked: 2018-09-27 10:22:06 -0600
Seen: 2,515 times
Last updated: Jun 27 '19
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not a computer-vision related problem at all. are you sure, you're using the right library for this ?
Why not? I'm using OpenCV for image preprocessing. The problem is that it makes text in my image dull/sparse. I'm looking for some tricks to make the text bolder and to fill small gaps in the letters...