cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK in OpenCV.js
I'd like to use cv.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK to track points clicked on by a user in an image, and I can identify the coordinates of the click on an image no problem. I generate a cv.Point(x,y) with the values, but how can I convert this to what's needed for the current position input for the flow? I've seen the box tracking example but have no idea what data type the p0 is there or how to convert to it from a point in Javascript. I'm using the most recent master build of OpenCV.js
p0 and p1 there are of type cv.Mat (and there is an example, how to construct a cv.Mat from points in L. 127)
that does not sound like a good idea to me. you cannot use arbitrary points here, but it needs corner points, like from gfft, or harris, that can be easily found again in the next iteration
Please explain in more detail how to build a cv.Mat() js from points