Find geometric shape [closed]

asked 2013-08-27 08:47:38 -0600

melongex gravatar image

Hi guys"

I have to following issue:

I have an arbitrary polygon (defined with points A,B,C,D,...) and I want to find the position of this polygon in "real" images: In these images the polygons are not ideal geometric shapes, but physical objects.

For instance the polygon might be a right-angled triangle and I then want to detect "set squares" in an image + its rotation.

Do you know any solutions to this problem? I already tried to do this with SURF and SIFT where I would simply paint an artifical image with my polygon and extracting features of this artifical image, however the extracted feature do not seem to work quite well. Template matching with an artifical image is not working either, because the objects in the real images can be rotated.

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-10-06 07:30:17.608407


GilLevi gravatar imageGilLevi ( 2013-08-27 09:55:13 -0600 )edit

No not really, I am dealling with real images and the contours found in this images are not as perfect as in this tutorial. I really think that I need some kind of matching algorithmn for this problem

melongex gravatar imagemelongex ( 2013-08-28 07:50:08 -0600 )edit

Can you upload some examples of images?

GilLevi gravatar imageGilLevi ( 2013-08-28 09:13:23 -0600 )edit

here two examples

as I said I am merely interested in the rotation and position of these shapes (I have given polygons, which are rotated differently)

melongex gravatar imagemelongex ( 2013-08-29 00:53:46 -0600 )edit

Which feature detector : public Feature2D

do you suggest for my images?

melongex gravatar imagemelongex ( 2013-09-06 03:34:30 -0600 )edit