About openCV and CMake
I followed https://github.com/IntelRealSense/lib... and met a few problems. When I build the solution in visual studio,
Error C2440 'return': cannot convert from 'testing::internal::ParamGenerator<std::tuple<opencv_test::<code>anonymous-namespace'::anonymous-namespace'::DNNBackend,opencv_test::anonymous-namespace'::
anonymous-namespace'::DNNTarget>>' to 'testing::internal::ParamGenerator<std::tuple<opencv_test::<code>anonymous-namespace'::anonymous-namespace'::DNNBackend,opencv_test::anonymous-namespace'::
The error occurs. What is wrong.. help me please
I cloned opencv-3.4.
Sorry I am not used to CMake.. where can I command that? I am using Window.
Take a look here: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d3/d52/tu... Its a bit painfull under windows - but you can use mingw - its described in the link.
you could try to disable the tests (when building the opencv libs) with
Okay I will try.. thank you
it's still unclear, why it fails.