Symbol detection/classification
I'm looking for pointers into what kind of techniques exist for performing detection/classification of symbols. Specifically I'm reading individual symbols out of grids.
I've previously tried counting black or white pixels in divisions of the individual symbol images (in B&W), making vectors out of those numbers and using the basic cosine difference to classify symbols. This method isn't as precise as needed though, because it's blind for differences in symbols that may have close to the same amount of pixels in close to the same areas/divisions, but look totally different.
An example symbol set:
Specifically I might be looking for explanatory technical explanations / resources for the existing feature detecting algorithms and what kind of features they consider in order to classify e.g. the example symbols.
Can you give some examples of images?
@GilLevi I don't know if it matters what kind of symbols there would be, because, as stated, the symbols could be anything, but there's a limited set of them and they would need to be classified in some way. It's maybe a strange problem, but real. What I'm trying to understand is what kind of feature detectors are out there that are more special than counting pixels in the divisions and using the cosine difference, so I could understand what they do / are useful for and could use them for identifying/separating symbols. An example five symbol set can be found in: , particularly e.g. symbols 2 and 3 get mixed or there's not enough separation in the numeric values when just counting the pixels. Let me know if I'm not being specific enough.
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