Configuration for TrackerKCF
I'm using TrackerKCF on OpenCV 3.4.1 and although I've found the configuration parameters in the documentation, I have been unable to find any documentation about what these really mean or how to use them.
Does anyone know if there is a tutorial or reference resource somewhere that describes how to configure TrackerKCF? I started to look through the white papers referenced at the start of the documentation but these don't seem to be about the OpenCV implementation of KCF tracking. Ideally I'd like descriptions referencing Python, but I'd happily take C++ if that's all that is available.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
"High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters" (read the paper)
Yes, that's one of the white papers I mentioned. From what I've see so far that won't be much use to me (being something of an OpenCV newbie) because it assumes knowledge and experience I don't have. And the implementation described isn't in OpenCV, of course. What I need is somewhere that enumerates and explains each of the configuration options available in OpenCV's TrackerKCF.