Logo detection in screenshot
I am trying to detect whether or not a logo exists in a screenshot, outputting a boolean variable. Template matching is not a suitable solution for me since the logos are not exactly the same (obtained from different sources with different resolutions etc). I thought I could use feature matching however this has over matched each logo on each screenshot, providing the same number of matches for a logo on the page vs a logo not on the page. I also tried matching with FLANN but got 0 matches. Results are as follows:
AT&T logo in AT&T page (basic feature matching) C:\fakepath\image0.png
PayPal logo in AT&T page (basic feature matching) C:\fakepath\image1.png
AT&T logo in AT&T page (FLANN feature matching) C:\fakepath\image240.png
AT&T logo in AT&T page (object detection) C:\fakepath\image3.png
Any ideas of what I can try next?
"I also tried matching with FLANN but got 0 matches" -- wrong tool. forget that.
" what I can try next?" -- read about object detection.
Using the tutorial here: https://thecodacus.com/object-recogni... which also uses feature matching for object detection I get no real results (screenshot added to question), could you suggest something else? Many of the other tutorials are for detecting objects in the image (for example humans).
^^ shit tutorial.
And if I use the good match threshold that they used in the code attached, I get the error: 'Not Enough match found- 1/30'
please forget the idea. it's wrong.
(and maybe read books & papers, not blogposts)
however the official object detection tutorial here http://opencv-python-tutroals.readthe... only shows how to detect things like faces and eyes in images rather than specific logos in screenshots, is there any way of modifying this to do what I want it to do?
no, that's not the official documentation, which you will find here
sorry yes, however the image detection requires to match against a HAAR model, do you think it is feasible to train the model on a series of logos from AT&T and then test the model against the page?